Monday, September 19, 2011

The demands of the funny girl with cancer

The very first thing I did when I got done with my appts on that first "cancer" day, was to have my friend Michelle B take me to Bed, Bath, and Beyond so I could get high thread count sheets and the down comforter and duvet cover I have been wanting but had not wanted to spend the money on :)  If I am going to be sick, I am going to be laying around in awesome sheets is all I got to say.

Another OBNOXIOUS thing, that I am requiring of all of my friends, is to buy me new pjs, because again, if I am going to be sick I am going to be looking pretty.  (NO pink please, I hate that color.  Which I think it is unfair to me that I get the cancer with the PINK awareness ribbon, uggghhhh)  

Also, I have asked my very crafty friend Angela R to bedazzle me a trash can, so I can have something pretty to throw up in :)

I will let you guys know if there is a need for a head shaving party and new boob size party at some point.    MUCH LOVE!


  1. When the treatment program gets underway, I am buying us a matching set of PJs, taking a personal day or two, and staying in bed with you for a sibling day of movies, music, and chat. I will even hold the trash can for you, that is how dedicated I am! I will FORCE myself to lay in bed ALL day and talk.

  2. The bedazzled barf bin is gonna look awesome. I'm honored to craft your vomit receptacle! :) And per the post above, I'll add some handles for Eric so he can hold it for you... <3. Let's kick some Buffy butt!!
