Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New surgery date of 10/3....

I have been on a total emotional rollercoaster ride today without the amusement park. I can tell you it is no fun.

I got the most unexpected phone call this morning while visiting my friend Jesse and her new little princess Isabella.  One moment, I am enjoying being with Jesse and Ella, (new babies are the sweetest things, and this one and her mama are both cuties)  the next moment, I am thrown into an emotional tailspin.

My cell phone rings, and the lady says "Hi...blah, blah, blah, I am calling about your surgery scheduled for October 21st, I am like what do you mean the 21st."  She said, "Oh yeah, your surgery date on the 4th is not going to work. The equipment we need is already checked out and we can't coordinate any of the doctors schedules, until the 21st."   

Instant emotions flared up at that moment.  Disbelief, disappointment, anger, tears, sadness....

The thought of having this cancer grow inside of me for another 17 days past the original surgery date, was almost more than I could bare to think about. 

There has been so much planning on my part, my families part, my neighbors part.  It really pissed me off to think that they thought it would be ok to change the date and extend the time out by that much....

I won't go into everything, but I made it clear that getting my surgery done ASAP, was my first priority. 

One of my quotes's to the scheduler..."I don't mean to be blunt, but I have breast cancer, I have 3 little boys, that need me.  I need to get this CANCER out of me as soon as possible.  Please tell me now, if I  need to go to another hospital that can take care of this quicker than you guys."  She then told me not make any childcare changes until she got back to me before the days end. 

Fast forward, 4 hours.  Voila', I have a new surgery date of October 3rd, a day earlier than my original date.

I guess there is something to be said for being assertive when it comes to your health and well being.  (I really hope that the two staff members, I talked to today, don't red flag my chart as me being a total b:=#$, but again I think I was on the brink of a freak out.)  Medication is looking better and better all the time.

Thankfully, Uncle Eric was able to get the day off on Monday to be with the boys.  Knowing that he will be here with them when they wake up, is a huge relief. 

I am still irritated as I type...I need to go breathe somewhere quietly for 20 minutes and I know I will be ok.

Much love....

Sunday, September 25, 2011

You know how they say you gotta feed a cold?

My grandma always said, you gotta feed a cold, and starve a fever. (I could have that backwards) 

Anyway, to the point of this post. 

You gotta feed the cancer in my case.  I just wanted to say thank you to the ones that making some my favorite foods.  Yall, are going to fatten me up, and I have to be in Kelly's wedding next week and fit in my dress.  But after that, it will be on like donkey kong! 

Tui, thank you for keeping me well stocked with Pad Thai and chicken and rice soup.

Lois, your chicken noodle soup was AWESOME, and I want the recipe, but the only thing Jim will tell me is that it was made with love :)

Missy, you obviously know the way to my heart with your chicken pastry.  I love it! 

Donna, is making chili today, that I am lucky enough to eat!  Good stuff!  I can't wait until radiation starts and I get to cash in on her mom's meatballs and her pasta shells :)

Thank you to Sara K, Louanne, and Tracy for keeping me in sweet treats.

I have already heard from some of you, that yall will be making me some of my favorite things, once I start radiation.  With all the yummies, it sounds like I am headed for at least a 10 lb weight gain.

On a side note, Sara K is my liason throughout this :)  She is my cruise ship director if you will, of my certain needs.  Childcare, meals etc.
logon equal 86397
code 3840

Much love and hugs!

I think I might be nesting

I am 10 days away from surgery.  This is causing me much agnst, not in the sense of being nervous about the surgery.  But in the sense, is MY HOUSE ready.  It is pretty hard to keep up with the daily chores of a family of 5 plus 2 pets. If you throw in Buffy, things just get pretty crazy.

I CANNOT tell you how many times I have to tell the boys to clean up something.  They just assume to walk on it, than even step over most of the stuff that gets left laying around.  Yes, those three cuties could be ALL be named messy Marvins...

I am VERY appreciative of my friends Mama Kathleen and Michelle, who came over and help me do a huge bulk of the organization that was needed here.  Kathleen and I did a HURTING on the boys rooms.  Seven bags of toys to goodwill, three to the dump, two bags of clothes to give away, and a big ol pile of toys to give away to two of my favorite four year old twins, Cole and Dalton. 

Michelle took more of the more public part of the house and help me with the kitchen, dining, my bedroom, and get this MY CLOSET...we were both sweating by the end of it.  She did gain a few new piece's from Marsha'sCloset, so I hope that was payment enough. 

I know that my house will be invaded with all the good friends and family that will be here to visit and bring me yummies, which is a completely different post.

I just ask please pick up the sock or the nerf bullet that I know you will have to step over to get to me.
Much love!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My life on paper as a diagram...

I met my new Oncologist today, I have to say I like the man.  I like the way he approaches things, I mean the man diagramed my treatment plan on graph paper.  That almost equals immediate love.  He layed the facts out very clearly. 

The man point blank told me I did not need a M, and after looking at all the "GOOD" things about my cancer I am going to trust and go along with what he has to say.  He is the expert.  I feel good about my decision.

With that being said, I am going for the Lumpectomy with a to go order of radiation.  He is not sure if I  will need chemo as of yet, until my sentinal node biopsy of my lymph nodes has been done, which will be done during surgery.  Once that biopsy is back and whether that is negative or positive that will lead the way down my treatment path.

Treatment Path A
A negative SNB will then mean I need a Oncogenes testing  to test for the genes that cause cancer
If my Oncogene testing is negative then that means No Chemo (hooray) and then I will begin Radiation therapy, and hormone therapy.  This testing takes about 2 weeks to get back.

If my Oncogene testing is positive then that means Yes to Chemo (booooo), and then Radiation, and then hormone therapy.

Treatment Path B
A positive SNB will equal chemo + radiation  + hormonal agent. (because this means I have cancer in my lymph nodes)

So at the very least, I am going to be doing radiation and hormones.

Sorry to bore you with all the medical stuff, but seriously if I get it our here for yall to read, yall are more informed when I see or talk to yall.

Bright points of the day.  Dr Wehbie said that if he were going to choose a breast cancer to have, that mine would be the one to have.  He is very positive that this will go away and I wil be just fine.  He also felt like that a Mastectomy was not necessary for me.  I think he was trying to tell me that Buffy although she is a cancer, she was a runt of one, and that a lumpectomy would serve me fine.

Another highlight of the day, he had a needlepoint framed pic on the wall that was made by a Paula Vick from Nash County, I thought that was pretty funny that Nash County was being represented in the Rex Cancer Center of Wakefield :)  Any of my RM peeps know her?

He also made a MC's List
And it was filled with "positive" things concerning Buffy.  She is - HER2 (medical jargon, for I am negative for fast growing cancer cells receptors, when I was tested)
I am also ER positive (which means my estrogen receptors will respond to meds to block cancer growing cells).  My actual tumor is small.

I know that we all have stories of friends with breast cancer and the different choices they made.  For me and my story, I am choosing the lumpectomy and I am pretty sure things are going to be just fine.  I appreciate the support, and everyone's love and friendship. 

Surgery is scheduled for 10/4
Follow up with Dr Wehbie on 10/12 so I can find out my treatment plan.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

I most likely have a hot date on 10/4

Hi all,
Just left my surgeons office, and no decisions were made as far as L vs M.  I look forward to meeting my new O doc tomorrow so he can give me the low down.  We all know that cancer is bad and ugly, I am waiting on some more good! 

I am so totally confused on which way to go. 
Really, everybody is telling me to do the M, and I GET that but DAMN, when you are faced with that, and really FACED with that.  Its a BIG deal. 

I am researching like you people know I do, and it looks like the outcomes are very similiar for both procedures for the reoccurance of cancer.  So then the question becomes?  6 weeks of radiation and a side of chemo? and being able to be more of a part of the family during that time...

Or 4 to 6 weeks of harder surgery recovery with a side of chemo with a smaller increased chance of reoccurance?  And becoming even better friends with my pillow, and catching up on my 75 DVR'ed shows that are waiting for me. Which equates to aboutt 30 hrs of Gordon Ramsey watching :) 

So, I have a tentative surgery date for 10/4 (good buddy) for either procedure,  and if I decide on a M, I am going to try to have the reconstruction done all in one fail swoop.  I will make a decision, after talking to the O doc t/m. 
Later friends!

The six words you want to hear when you have breast cancer..

And those words are....Marsha, your cancer is Stage I.  So in the cancer world, hearing the words Stage I is a pretty big relief. (My official diagnosis is, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with DCIS, Stage I.) 

I am a major numbers person.  I have friends that call me RainWoman for that very reason.  So here is the breakdown for my fellow number lovers :)

I hope I am not breaking any laws, but I got the below information from a certain, Breast Cancer for Dummies book....(another fact, I love to buy a book for any reason.)

"If you've been diagnosed with Stage I breast cancer, your chances of survival are wonderful.  They're 98 percent, which means that 98 percent of the women with this diagnosis have survived at least five years......I know the fear doesn't go away instantly, but at least you know that your odds of beating this disease is extremely high." 

So let's everyone go step outside and do a little happy dance for me, because that is pretty kick butt news!

I have a few decisions to make. The options really put me between a rock and a hard place.

Option 1 Breast conservation therapy
This entails a lumpectomy, better recovery time.  Add in 6 weeks of radiation and chemo and I will be on my way.  Risks as per the doc that she mentioned were breast deformity.

Option 2 Mastectomy
This entails the obvious (not really sure I have to spell everything out for yall) and the probability of me having to do radiation is unlikely, but chemo will be a must.

My regular doctor called me yesterday, and we talked for a while. I, of course, was being me bombarding him with the, WTH do I do questions.  He told me that when I see my surgeon on Wednesday, (today) NOT to make any decisions, until I talked to my Oncologist on Thursday.  He told me I will like the O doc, because is in a very statistical person, and he has a awesome bedside manner, and I am the kind of person that needs that. 

I also told Dr Cefalu, my family practice doctor, that I probably need him to call Dr Wehbie, my new oncologist, I want Dr W to hear from Dr C that I am on no MEDS whatsoever, and that I am QUITE sane, and that my personality is all ME and not drug induced, lol!  It is pretty safe to say, that I have quite a personality, that I THINK most people find charming :)  But I sure don't want this new doc, not to get me, my personality, or my jokes, or my sometimes unlady like pottymoutth....Dr C thinks I will be just fine with Dr W, which is why he chose him for me....

So, I know that most of you are behind me with whatever I decide, and I have heard from lots that Option 2 would be what you would decide.  I appreciate all the advice yall are giving me, because EACH and EVERYONE of you bring different something to the table.  Which may make me think about things I would not have thought about......

Much love people!

Also, for whatever reason, I can't comment on your post replies.  Laney, my blog tutor should be coming over today, and teach me what to do.  I may need to create a google account, which I am going to try now.  So, I am reading your responses, I just can't let you know that I am :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

To phone or not to phone that is the ?

My biopsy was performed this past Thursday, and the results were supposed to be back yesterday at 12:30. These results will let me know what stage I am, and what kind of treatment plan I will be doing. (And for those that know me well, know that I buy a book for everything, so I am waiting for my "stage" to be determined, so I can start studing and be very educated and well versed with it comes to what it is that they plan on doing to my body!  I bought the Breast Cancer for Dummies, book. LOL)  Those authors have a book for everything!

SO back to the real point of this post....
Around 3pm yesterday, I left messages with my surgeon and my oncologist, asking them to hunt them down.  I am still UNPATIENTLY waiting.  I don't want to start out being a PITA for these new docs of mine, so I will continue to wait, and wait, and wait....

But the kids are keeping me up to my earlobes with stuff to do, so I guess I need to get over it.  At the very least, I will find out tomorrow the results with my surgeon.  Have a good day, and I am thinking that since there is no changing the diagnosis, that it would not be too much to ask for Stage 0....

Monday, September 19, 2011

The demands of the funny girl with cancer

The very first thing I did when I got done with my appts on that first "cancer" day, was to have my friend Michelle B take me to Bed, Bath, and Beyond so I could get high thread count sheets and the down comforter and duvet cover I have been wanting but had not wanted to spend the money on :)  If I am going to be sick, I am going to be laying around in awesome sheets is all I got to say.

Another OBNOXIOUS thing, that I am requiring of all of my friends, is to buy me new pjs, because again, if I am going to be sick I am going to be looking pretty.  (NO pink please, I hate that color.  Which I think it is unfair to me that I get the cancer with the PINK awareness ribbon, uggghhhh)  

Also, I have asked my very crafty friend Angela R to bedazzle me a trash can, so I can have something pretty to throw up in :)

I will let you guys know if there is a need for a head shaving party and new boob size party at some point.    MUCH LOVE!

So this is my first official blog post....bear with me!

Hey friends and family,
Here is my story and this will be my continuing story of my life with breast cancer....Some of you may have heard this story already, but I thought I should start at the beginning, some parts and my ramblings will be left out so I don't bore yall.
On August 29th, 2011 I was scheduled to have a routine Pap Smear with my OB/GYN doctor.  I got there on time, and had to wait at least 45 minutes to see my doctor.  Once, I saw my doctor.  He pretty much told me that since I had had a Pap Smear the previous year, that I was not due for one for another two years.  Apparently, my age group only requires paps every 3 years.  I was like, "dude, I shaved and freshened up for you."  "You gotta do something so I don't feel like I am wasting my time."  He laughed and we kept chatting.  I was like, no really do something.  I asked him to refer me to get a baseline mammogram.  He was like, Marsha you don't need it.  You are 37, you have no risk factors, etc, etc.  I told him I would feel better if I got something out of the appointment, because I felt like I had wasted my time that morning.  He gives me a referral sheet, tells me not to rush.  I immediately go home and make a call, and get an appt for that Thursday. Let me just say, I am not a hypochondriac, I just was trying to be productive.  I have  my mammo on that Thursday.  I get called the following Tuesday, because they saw "shadows" . I was asked to come back in Sept 8th.    The Rad tech who was so much fun the first appointment was with me the 2nd one.  I could tell she knew something was not right.  I asked her what the hell was wrong and why was everyone being so serious with me.  She told me that their was a "nasty" looking nodule on my film and we needed to figure it out what it was.   Repeat mammo done.  First ultrasound done that day.  My US tech was not nearly as fun as Jenny my mammo girl.  I saw the nodule on the screen, and asked for the measurements, and she told me pretty quickly that she would not be able to tell me one thing.  (I knew she was covering her butt, but seriously I worked in a hospital for 12 years, I knew that nodule was not pretty.)  Fast forward 10 minutes, the doctor comes in.  I asked what he saw when he looks at my US, he said a nodule.  I then asked, OK, in your experience what does that kind of nodule usually mean.  And he said ever so seriously, Marsha it means you have cancer.  I was not expecting that at all.  I was by myself and the only thing keeping me from freaking out was the piece of gum I was chewing with all of my might to keep myself together.  That C word is UGLY, and as a person that has heard it 3 times too many, I think I have had enough of it in my life.   So, I then asked him in his experience what percent chance he thought I had cancer without a biopsy.  He told me I was putting him up against a wall, I told him I just wanted to know what I was facing. I asked him was it like a 75% chance?  He then again in his serious voice and face, said No Marsha, it much higher than that.  So I am what they call a Category 5 on the BIRADS scale, which means a greater than 95% chance of malignancy.  I have had 5 doctors look at my films within that first week, and they all concur that yes indeed, I have breast cancer.  It is a lovely 15 x 10 x 8 mm nodule, which is considered big.  I have had too many appointments and other things go on.  But of note, my family practice doc helped me pick my oncologist out last week.  My Gyn picked out my surgeon, so I hope I am in good hands.  I had a Stereotactic biopsy done last Thursday, the results were suppose to be in today.  I have not heard anything from that.  I have an appt with my surgeon this upcoming Wednesday, and I have an appt with my oncologist this Thursday.  I am pretty sure, I will KNOW exactly what I am in store for after those appts.