Monday, October 10, 2011

Duke fan in the future?

Hi all,

I will update more this afternoon, once I get back from my Wake Med surgeon appointment, which will go over the rest of my pathology reports from last weeks surgery.

Since hearing the Chemo and Stage II news and the unexpected news of a completely different surgery news on Friday, I have decided to move over to Duke. 
I have had a huge help in doing this from my very awesome and longtime friends Taft and Shannon Howell. 
Short history of our friendship. They both were in my wedding, I cherish them both.  Although, I am not sure if Taft has ever forgiven me for trying to make him wear an eggplant Bridesman get-up :) 
Shannon and I went to HS together. 

Taft and I were Respiratory Therapists together in Rocky Mount, and he has worked over at Duke for years.  He has put me in touch with the right people, to get my case a moving along.  I have an appointment next week with the Surgeon Oncologist. 

I am still very comfortable with what my Plan A was.  It was the right decision for me at the time when I made it.  Now onward to Plan B. 
And please, don't buy me any Duke t-shirts just yet.


  1. Hugs to you!! Flexibility is so important in recovery and you are the Queen of it!! Love ya chicky.....

  2. Duke is an awesome choice and a whole helluva lot better than UNC.
