Hi all,
I ran another 5k yesterday at Duke, ok not really but it sounded good. (most of my appointments were contained within a 4 block radius within the building)
I will keep it short and simple...
I had to get an ultrasound done, because my results from the MRI showed "something" on both the right and left side.
The US was unable to pick up anything, which is a good thing. But MRI gives a clearer picture of what is going on in the body. So basically, the MRI saw something that the US can't....
So this means, I am scheduled for more biopsies next Thursday. I will be having them done on both sides. I am dreading this because they are going to do the biopsies under MRI and really I can tell you how much NO fun those breast MRIs are....
I also swished around a little $4000 dollar bottle of Scope, so they could get a DNA sample from me. They are doing genetics testing to rule me out for the BRCA 1 and 2 gene. If I test positive for these genes, it puts me at a much greater risk for other cancers, such as ovarian.
This test will be a huge tool in what we decide for my surgery. I have a date to schedule my surgeries (hopefully, they can all be done at the same time) which is 2/21/12, the surgeon thought that because of the time it took to get all the biopsies back, and the genetics testing back (14 days), and then also having to wait 4 weeks after surgery to start chemo, that I would be better to start Chemo ASAP, and then get surgery done in March (?).
I am officially 6 weeks in as of today with this whole cancer crap.
So as of right now, I am waiting to hear about my power port appointment, which will be the start of my Chemo journey. I am really not looking forward to being bald by Thanksgiving.
I must get to shopping for fun hats, bandanas, and scarves......I can tell you tell you one thing, I am not canceling any of my hair appointments with my hair girl and friend Dana, until I am sure that it will be gone.
A few highlights from the day...The surgeon at Duke thought that my Wake Med surgeon did a great job with my lumpectomy, she said my scars looked "nice" :). Dr Hwang also kept thanking me for being such a nice patient and having such a great attitude.
Well really now, I can't be a total HOT MESS for a year, although I have my moments. Again, a big thank you to everyone for the SUPPORT, LOVE, AND BEING THERE for us! This whole cancer thing is a major PITA, but I know I will get thru it with the help of you guys!