Friday, October 7, 2011

Another surgery, siggghhhhhhh

Hi all,
I just got off the phone with the are a few highlights.  I hope it doesn't give you a headache like it has given me.

I was rapidly writing what she was saying as I was listening, so this info as is true as I can get it...

"Given the extent of dissection done already, if your pathology report and or margins are positive, you will need a mastectomy.....I will let you know as soon as that pathology report is back, it is still unavailiable ."
I also tested positive for DCIS in my inferior margins, which means yes, indeed I have to have another surgery.  That surgery will be done sometime in the next few weeks.

The doctor said this was a good thing, that it was DCIS, (DCIS=precursor to cancer cells).

I asked her if I needed to go ahead and get a M done, she said all the cancer is gone and it is not necessary. 

She said, that having the cancer in my lymph nodes shouldn't/wouldn't  have changed my decision to have a L vs a M, if I would have known they were positve.

I have 2 appointments next week, once I see my oncologist on Wednesday, I will get with my surgeon to schedule the newest surgery, after we coordinate with Dr W, my O.

Hang in there with me, it looks like I am in for a rollercoaster of ups and downs in the coming few months. 

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