Friday, November 9, 2012

You didn't need a Duke education to tell me that

Hi all,

I thought I would give you an update after my surgery last month.

The recovery was extremely easy.  I think I only sent out a few bad texts on day 2 :)  

I was up and about really quickly.  I have to thank ALL of my friends that came and slumbered and hung out with me in my room that weekend.   I can't stand being on lock down for more than a day or so.  It was great having a constant flow of friends and text messages that weekend. 

(I truly don't know what I would do without you guys.) 

So back to the surgery, this surgery was the one to remove my ovaries.  I was very concerned about what was going to happen to me and my personality after they were gone. 

I actually cried and stressed more about this "simple" surgery than I did about the 7 hour double mastectomy I underwent in March. 

If you remember, my doctors told me I would feel like crap, hot flashes, depression, moodiness, and that they were medically castrating me and that they would do the best they could to keep me comfortable.  And that I am unable to take hormones, like a typical patient, because my cancer was an estrogen driven cancer.

I think that most of my thoughts pre-surgery were DAMMIT and THE HELL....I can't change, I don't want to turn into a moody crazy person. 

I told the doctors that I had pretty much kicked my cancer's butt by having a great attitude and facing Buffy head on.  And I hoped that this part wouldn't knock me down.

To say the least they were not that optimistic.  Hence my stress, and I am not a high strung person.

Fast forward to my four week post op appointment which was last week.

I am chatting as I do with the docs.  I asked when they thought I would start feeling some of the side effects from this surgery. 

My doctor said to me, honestly if you haven't experienced any side effects yet you probably won't.  I could have kissed the man.

He then looked at me, smiled really big and grabbed my hand and said, "Marsha, I don't think we have lost you."  He then said, "you are not a textbook case."  I looked at him and said, "I don't think you needed a Duke education to tell me that."  

He truly is shocked that I am doing so well, and I am ok with that. 

I hope that I continue to amaze and surprise my doctors in a good way.  I am super ready for this chapter to be over.

Next surgery is in 25 days and yes, I am counting.  I want to keep this journey moving. 

Much love to you all!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Almost that time again

I know that the point of having a blog is actually doing a few entries every now and then.  I am sorry for not being better about keeping you updated over the summer.   But really, I had asked the doctors for the summer off with this cancer crap, and they obliged. There hasn't really been a lot to share.  But for my family that is not on FB, I will give you a quick update.

It is now Fall and it's now time to get back started on trying to finish up this journey of mine. 

Next week on the 4th,  I will be having my Oophorectomy done, this will be my 4th surgery in less than a year.  It's insane, how much the body can go thru....

 Not really looking forward to this surgery.  I have zero concerns about the pain and recovery.  I am actually more concerned about the mood swings and other side effects that they say I may encounter.  I am sure that attitude will play a big part, and since I am pretty easy going.  I hope that I won't be affected too much.  And if that is not the case, I am sure they can prescribe me a chill pill....

I had an appointment today with my plastic surgeon, to schedule my reconstruction surgery.  I will be having likely two surgeries with him to get the girls the way they need to be.

I am disappointed to say the least that I have to have two surgeries with him.  I was only anticipating one.  I really thought by December 2012, I would be able to say I am DONE!  But it is what it is, and I will certainly get over it. 

I really couldn't do this without you guys.  There are so many of you that are so special to me and who I know truly love me and I truly love you guys. 

I absolutely know that 2013 is going to be my year.

And I really have to let my brother Eric, know how much I appreciate him.  As soon as he found out the date of my December surgery he immediately took off work so he could take care of the boys. He is already exploring different activites to do with the BBC team. 

A big thank you to Tui and Mo for the help they have already offered next week while I am at Duke. 

Much love people!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

radiation, castrations, and tattoo's

So I just finished my 21st radiation.  Only 4 more to go!  Radiation has not been too bad, I can definitely tell I am more tired and I do have some burns, but overall I have gotten thru it pretty unscathed.  Let's hope that after it's done, my heart and my lungs can say the same thing.  The doctor's are pretty sure, I am going to suffer some sort of heart damage from this.  Again, damn!  But what can I do? 
Radiation was one of those things that was not too terrible bad, I did learn not to drink copious amounts of caffiene before going, because you are suppose to lay still for about 15 minutes during your treatment.  I have a hard enough time doing that without an extra 200 mg of caffiene on board.

I also got my radiation tattoos today.  Very simply, they are 5 small dots where the radiation has been "aimed."  They were my first tattoo's without a cocktail on board, LOL.  Unless you count the 2 diet pepsi's I had before I got there.  My radiation guy, Ty said he was going tattoo his name in braille to match my hero braille tattoo I have for Braeden on my foot...yeahhhhh, ummmm NO!  Lol.

So after radiation, we begin a new chapter.  I had a pretty intense doctor consult yesterday with 2 GYN oncologists.  Those guys were straight up and to the point.  I appreciate that quality.  I appreciate the honest answers to my many questions. Most of my questions are what most people would ask, I think.
The whole consult lasted about an hour and a half.  The doctors were super nice, and we definitely clicked with our personalities.  Below is part of our conversation.  We covered much information yesterday, that I can't remember everything.  I need to buy a book, because yall know I buy a book
for everything.

Me: How am I going to feel after I get my ovaries out?

Doc: You are going to feel like crap.

Me: In what way?

Doc: mood swings, fatigue, hot flashes, etc etc

Me: Why can't you treat my symptoms?

Doc: Your problems will be because of lack of hormones, and we can't give you hormones.

Me: Can't you give me bio-identical hormones?

Doc: No, they are not FDA approved.


Doc: We need to start your medical castration. 

ME:  Oh hell, that sounds rough.

Doc: Yeah, it's not going to be fun.  But we will try to keep you comfortable.  We can give you a drug called effexor for the hot flashes you will experience.  Which alot of people complain about.

Me: Isn't that an antidepressant?

Doc; Yes, but it can also help.

Me: I am going to need an antidepressant by the time yall get done with me.

Doc: Yep, probably.  We are going to slam the breaks on your body.

Me:  Sounds fun...

Doc: Yes and it will suck.

Me: (chanting to myself----big picture, look at big picture, Braeden, Braxton, Chase, big picture)

For me, some of things were very hard to hear.  I told these docs yesterday, that I was too young to feel like crap everyday.   

They were not very encouraging as to what I would be going thru physically once I start the new medicines, and then once I have my ovaries and hysterectomy done. 

I told them I kicked some Chemo and Radiation butt, that maybe I would get thru this part of it with very little symptoms..Let's hope so. 

I start the medicine in 2 weeks that will start putting the breaks on my hormones.

We are planning for October for the surgeries to be done.  (I want to have my summer off, from any kind of major medical procedures)

I have one diagnostic test called a CA 125 that is pending, and if that result comes back wacky, we will have to move those surgeries up.  (Keep in mind, BRCA2 carriers have up to a 20 to 40% chance of getting ovarian cancer.  Also note, that ovarian cancer is very hard to fight and beat.  So yes, the big picture is getting my ovaries out to keep me safe.)

Peace & Love & FTP

Monday, April 9, 2012

It's come to my attention....

It has come to my attention, or so I was told :)  That not everyone that reads my blog is on my Facebook page. 

So for the past month, it is likely that some of you do not know how my surgery went, and how I am doing.  I ran into someone the other day, who had envisioned the worse because I had not updated anything here. 

I can tell you, I am doing quite well and have recovered about 80% from my big ol surgery!  It was not the easiest recovery, but it was an seven hour surgery, and they certaintly did alot.  So, I need to cut myself some slack :) 

I am still having lingering aches and pains, that won't go away.  The doctor says that they are related to my expanders digging into my muscles and that it's perfectly normal....

And expanding they are!  The doctor typically only put in 60cc's of fluid every 2 weeks with most patients.  The week before last they put in 150cc during that week. 

Literally. Growing. Before. My. Eyes. LOL.

With a big needle I might add, but it doesn't hurt, but it's fun to see Bart cringe, I try to score some poor me points, can you do the laundry today, since I was tortured :)  But alas, it does not work at all :)

Tomorrow, I go for another "fill up", I should be getting close to my targeted size.  I am only a few weeks out from radiation which will start once I am done expanding.  Yet another chapter closer to being done with Buffy!

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers and love!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Crochet your worries away!

So in case you didn't know, I have a big week coming up next week.  My double mastectomy and lymph node surgery along with the start of my reconstruction is next Thursday March 1st.  I have not made final decisions on what reconstruction path, I am going to take.  Tissue vs Implants.  My plastic surgeon wants to wait till after radiation to make final decision. 

He did ask how big I wanted to go.   I told him about my same size I am now, I told him I wanted people to ask me for my number and not his when they looked at me.  Bart and the doc just shook their heads laughing..haha

I am busy trying to get the house in order, which for some apparent reason involved me cleaning out my closet, (luckily for me, I was able to find some cute stuff at Loft this week, since my closet felt so empty :)  Finding people to cart my kids around to sports...thank you to Tui, Tracy, and Michelle!  We will definitely need your "taxi" services!  (Oh and Tui, I need your Pad Thai, too)

And of course, the BIGGEST god send of all, Uncle Eric coming to stay with us on Wednesday and staying thru Monday. 

My kids track out on Friday the day after surgery, this is a complete stress in itself.  But I know it will all work out. 

I have been asked several times how I feel about the surgery.  I honestly have not put that much thought into it.  I stay busy and on the go all the time with these boys of mine.

When Braeden was in the hospital with his brain surgeries, I started crocheting him a blanket. It was great therapy, it really takes your mind off of your worries.  I still have it in my drawer, I haven't picked it up since.  At best it is a oversized scarf or an undersized shawl. 

I have started my own blanket, and I swear to you I think it has kept me from over obsessing about my surgery and recovery...

But as it sits right now, my thought process is....these boobs of mine are the cause my cancer, they need to be gone, so they never have the chance of threatening my life again.....some women are attached to their body parts, I am pretty attached to my life....

Much love good people!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chemotherapy 11/1/11 thru 1/25/12 RIP

Hi all! 
I hope everything is going great for you all!  I actually had an unexpected "surprise of sorts" today.  I will tell y'all about it. 

But first, I have had a few people to ask me about why I don't blog more.  I really don't want to be "the cancer chick", I am so much more than that, so I only try to blog up here when something new is going on.  I have such a busy life above and beyond this whole cancer thing, and when Buffy is not slowing me down, I am living my life very happily with my family and friends.  I also really try hard not to make my FB cancer central.  I will try to do a better job of blogging!

Today was suppose to be my last day of Chemo.  I was super excited and so glad that this chapter of the journey was almost over.  I was wearing my new t-shirt from Sara K that says, HOPE, FIGHT, CURE!  I was also wearing a super cute new bandana (it has owls on it lol, I am such a girl!!!)  that my friend Michelle B made me just for today :) And as always my Chemo Sucks button from Tracy and Lisa :) 

My friend Angela has said, when she visits me over there in the chemo room the other patients are sad, sad, sad, and then you get to my chair and its happy.  I always wear some sort of gift that someone has given me, and it truly does make me smile and makes me feel like yall are there in spirit. I also have a "shrine" of gifts on my dresser that I look at everyday. I have all of the cards you have sent, which I read all the time.  Never underestimate the power of a greeting card :)
You people are sooooo special!  I know that I am cheesy, but it is the same way with all of the pajama gifts.  I am getting hugs from yall each time I wear a pair :)  I am going to become a volunteer when this is all said and done.  I loved geriactrics when I worked at the hospital.  I could make me some friends in that Chemo clinic and hopefully make a difference.

So on to my day...

I get the usual stuff done, port access, bloodwork, etc.  It seems like it will be my normal 9hr day at Duke. 

My doctor comes in and we are chatting it up, and she asks about my neuropathy.  I told her that the last time that it actually was in both hands and both feet which was new.  (This is the numbness in my hands and feet)  I told her I felt like it was manageable.  I only suffered after the last chemo for about 4 days. 

We did more chatting...

She asks about my memory and if anything had changed...Lightbulb goes off.  Why yes, there has been a few things.  They all seem very simple but when you put them together they were a cause for concern for her.
---Just this week as far as my memory goes, I forgot my bank sign-on which I have had for at least 18years.  It took me 3 days at the computer to finally figure it out.

---I also left my wallet at Target on Monday night when I was out shopping, and finally retracked those steps on Tuesday to figure out I had left it there. 

---Bart pipes up and then starts giving more examples.  I think that most of the examples are normal cases of forgetting stuff, but when you put them all together it was a cause of concern for Dr K.  I am also really good with numbers which makes the whole bank account thing strange.

I asked her if I could do the remaining chemo today.  I was worried about the potential cells that could be still left behind, and if we didn't kill them...then what? 

She basically said that my treatment regimen (remember, they pounded me harded with my chemo and more often than a normal breast cancer patient) probably could have gotten the job done in 4 treatments, and that going for treatment number 8 was not going to make a difference CONSIDERING that if I went for treatment 8 if could be what tips me over the edge into and I quote, "going from not remembering your bank number to not know where your kids school is."

That pretty much sold me....The neuropathy and the memory issues are all potentially irreverisible.

Next step is starting surgeries.  She wants me to get in ASAP with my surgeon to schedule the actual surgery.  My surgeon was out of town today, so I will know more hopefully tomorrow.  I am hoping for to get in on the 15th to schedule and with the expection that surgeries will be done hopefully sometime during the week of Feb 20th or the next week.  If I can't get in with my surgeon on the 15th, I actually have an appt with her on the 21st that I had schedule a long time ago, so that appt is not too much further out than the 15th if I can't get in that day. 

I really don't have a long time to sit around and think about my surgeries and recovery.  I know that I am in for some pain, and some more pain. But I am so ready to get this part started.  Every chapter is getting me back to being normal.  My doc today said, it would be a new normal for me, but I am going to disagree with that statement.  I am hoping all of this does not change me, and if it does it will be for the better.

Another exciting thing is that my hair should start growing back in a few weeks!  I saw a pic on Pinterest a few weeks ago where a girl took a picture every week of her hair when it was growing in.  I plan on doing this, I thought it was pretty cool.  Its on my Facebook page somewhere...

My new t-shirt idea for when my hair is in the bad stages of growing in....NO,  this is not a bad haircut, I have Cancer!

My t-shirt I want to get now...If you are going to stare at me at least smile, I can and I have cancer :)

I get so many stares everywhere I go.  Whether they are meant to be stares or not.  Maybe it's because I am young, or maybe because the BBC team are usually with me, and they are like that poor chick has 3 little ones and the big C.  Just smile if you are going to stare, geez!  It's a good thing I can handle it.  I usually just smile bigger!!!

Have a good night good people! 