I know that the point of having a blog is actually doing a few entries every now and then. I am sorry for not being better about keeping you updated over the summer. But really, I had asked the doctors for the summer off with this cancer crap, and they obliged. There hasn't really been a lot to share. But for my family that is not on FB, I will give you a quick update.
It is now Fall and it's now time to get back started on trying to finish up this journey of mine.
Next week on the 4th, I will be having my Oophorectomy done, this will be my 4th surgery in less than a year. It's insane, how much the body can go thru....
Not really looking forward to this surgery. I have zero concerns about the pain and recovery. I am actually more concerned about the mood swings and other side effects that they say I may encounter. I am sure that attitude will play a big part, and since I am pretty easy going. I hope that I won't be affected too much. And if that is not the case, I am sure they can prescribe me a chill pill....
I had an appointment today with my plastic surgeon, to schedule my reconstruction surgery. I will be having likely two surgeries with him to get the girls the way they need to be.
I am disappointed to say the least that I have to have two surgeries with him. I was only anticipating one. I really thought by December 2012, I would be able to say I am DONE! But it is what it is, and I will certainly get over it.
I really couldn't do this without you guys. There are so many of you that are so special to me and who I know truly love me and I truly love you guys.
I absolutely know that 2013 is going to be my year.
And I really have to let my brother Eric, know how much I appreciate him. As soon as he found out the date of my December surgery he immediately took off work so he could take care of the boys. He is already exploring different activites to do with the BBC team.
A big thank you to Tui and Mo for the help they have already offered next week while I am at Duke.
Much love people!
Anything for you, babe. I am on this journey with you in spirit till the end. Then, we will start a new and exciting healthy journey with some fun and travels. As fr teh side effects of this first surgery...stay positive. You never know. In the meantime, when I pray for you, I will also pray for Bart! LOL. You are the strongest, most amazing person I know, and I am proud to be your brother, the brother of Wonder Woman!