Saturday, December 31, 2011

Taxol! What a pain! And the New Year ahead...

Yep, they were right.  The physical pains associated with the Taxol do eventually catch up with you on day 3.  Uggghhhhh.....the weirdest thing for me, is "feeling" all of the side effects and knowing that it's the poison inside of me causing all of it. 

My hands look like sausages, I have gained 6lbs in one day from fluid.  My fingertips are numb, my legs are ACHING as if I had the flu.   I can't sleep....Do I sound whiney yet?  (I am really not complaining too much out loud, just here in blog land)

But with that being said, I am going to keep trucking along, and hope that this passes by pretty quickly.

Tomorrow is the New Year, I have high hopes for my year 2012.  I know that it is going to be a long and tough year for me, but I can HONESTLY say that I am still very thankful that it is me going thru this, and not one of my boys.   This whole cancer thing, REALLY is ZERO fun!

Everyone have a most Happy New Year! And take care of yourselves!

1 comment:

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